Originally Posted By: Kay
Absolutely agree. Great post, I made one at just about the same time.

I really don't want to have to single people out, and I even more don't want to have to bring consequences towards individuals who do this.

Just stop. For your sake and for the guild's reputation.

I really think we just need to start calling people out, hell, sometimes, people don't even realize what's going on around them. Just a gentle nudge would do, instead of letting them off the hook, then someone gets really mad later on. And let me tell you, when it comes to the point where Tasorin makes a post, you'd better listen cause it takes a lot to get him to get riled up.

We're all adults here, I see no need to coddle people. We don't have to be dicks, but the time for the gentle suggestion nudge to stop looting is past. Just say, "hey [name], stop looting, we're still fighting here."

Former KGB Member