The next time I see one of us break off from combined/focused fire to ninja loot or stop fighting to pick at a grave mid combat I swear to god I am going to fill your ass full of arrows and blue cherrios then tea bag your corpse repeatedly.

Stop the fucking "me, myself, and my ninja loot" mentality or else I will personally start hunting you and turning in my FRAPS/Screenshot's and put forward an official request to the Senate for action to be taken on an individual basis. I am not going to single people out here, even though I have the FRAPS/Screenshots to put forward several documented instances from my combat footage.

Cleaning up the graves after a skirmish is OVER is one thing. Even during the tail end of a skirmish, when asked to is not what I am talking about. When you stop fighting to pick at a grave mid skirmish is a TOTAL different thing. Don't get the two confused, one is acceptable, the other is not. This is the issue at the center of it in my observation: greedy, self centered, all about the personal brag, instead of the team victory.

It has got so bad that its becoming what KGB is known for in the heat of battle. Its pretty sad when 10 or 12 of my contacts are busting my balls about it and we look like a bunch of cut rate bush leaguer's. Normally I wouldn't take to much heed to what they have to say, but when I witness it multiple times over multiple pivotal battles, then it isn't your typical ball busting anymore. Several guilds that we see on the field of combat on a regular basis have started using the "Fools Gravestone" tactic against us. Playing against our inability to stay on target, they send in a lightly armored, inventory emptied, player to INTENTIONALLY die. The reason you ask? Because people can't stop the looting fervor, so people flock to the grave, and then they focus fire on the gravestone and kill our take out of action a good couple of people.

This game is not about YOU, its about US. The sooner you get that through your "Me, Myself, and how uber I am" mentality, the sooner we will stop getting our poop pushed in by forces we outnumber. If you think I am joking, keep pulling that crap mid battle. I am tired of getting beat by lesser numbers of people because we are a total cluster fuck of individuals with extremely bad PvP habits.

Since I am going to bring up this point as an issue, I am going to suggest a simple solution. Assign looters in PvP before the action starts. NO ONE ELSE IS TO LOOT other then the assigned looters. Its just like master looting when we PvE. We have been doing this in the past when we go out hunting in Duchy land. But multiple times I have been at sieges both defending and attacking, with an assigned looter(s), and still I see the same crap going on. I realize things can be hectic in the heat of battle, and there are always situations with exceptions to the rule, but this issue has gotten out of hand.

I am not here to spend my personal time grinding away at building materials, consumables, and gold, so that several KGB members can run around like an asshat during the heat of battle and add to the odds against us winning.

Once again, this game isn't about YOU ,its about US !!!

Last edited by Tasorin; 04/28/09 12:14 PM.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!