We could bring some smaller guilds under our wing and onto the stone to get our active numbers up. Even though there's no 'official' system in DF for fealty, we could do that in DF (I think we already are?). There is no doubt that numbers have meaning. Sure you want all quality pvpers, but when you start to get 3+v1, quantity wins. It's just fact. Same thing in EVE and SB.

I think these 4 main things will bring people:
- Grouping in the newb areas
- Befriending good, smaller guilds to fight with us out of our city (they join our vent, etc)
- Working on our group PvP, raiding, and winning - Other good PvPers are drawn to this (my brother, for example)
- Keeping our name on the boards 'KGB rolled us! We tried to burn KGB's city to the ground and failed!' Publicity brings in people. Gets our name out to those who've not heard of us.