Our lack of numbers is really a combination of a number of factors, paramount of which is the simple fact that our selection process limits on how many we can bring in. This is a good thing, in my honest opinion, and a choice we made from the start, rightly so.

People like to call their guild as original, but in my experience, the best guilds in Shadowbane fell under only two catagories; Zerg or selective. Like it or not, KGB was a zerg in Shadowbane. If you could breath, you could get in, it was as simple as that, and it worked for awhile; however, in all the battles against KGB I'd have back in those days, there was a clear distinction between playing against the core KGB and the fodder KGB. Simple matter-of-fact, KGB core was VERY VERY good, and "no offense" a lot of the rest was VERY VERY bad.

There's no doubt we're going the more "selective" route in DFO; and a route that will pay dividens later down the line, when faced up against the wall, our guild will stand firm while others fall apart.

That being said, Jetstar has been rampantly recruiting good players (dunno how he finds them), and we've been steadily growing through our honorable reputation, good natured ventrillio and our ability to garner good allies. There's no mistake that we need more players, now more than ever - however at the same time, keep being selective on who we choose to let in.

That's why i've been stressing pvp organization more and more, because we've been acting a little like, "We're the shit" in the honest belief that people will come to us because we are pimp, which is something we can't bank on. Lets face it, most of the so-called elite guilds, have turned out to be non-factors in DFO. (WB,UDL,TF,EB,some AC Darktide guilds etc etc) I've always thought that, if we can show strong pvp raiding groups, open field, without always being with allies (like during AC sieges), we can stand out from the rest as we rightly should, and it will appeal more to the newer players that's never heard of KGB.

I'll say one thing though, if the fear is that KGB will disspear into oblivion, put that the fartest from your mind. I firmly believe that we're here the stay, be it as at rebel faction that's fighting the zerg, or that standard which the server looks to at the forefront of every major engagement. Hell, i'm the moron that made my last name deKGB, so I guess i'm stuck with you losers. cry

Last edited by Syloc; 04/08/09 02:30 PM.

Former KGB Member