Syloc and I have been talking about this exact issue a lot lately. Not to bash those who we do have, but how to find a way to SKILLFULLY and with a scalable program to recruit without spam recruiting, being comprimised by spies, and still find quality players to build our numbers upon.

Of course all of this is contingent on there actually being an open store from which to purchase the game, and a server setup that can actually support the player traffic during peak usage of the end game mechanic, which is besieging and the Geopolitical game.

The problem isn't the people we do have, 99.9% of them do what they can, when they can, and bend over backwards for the most part to benefit the greater good of the Clan. You can't ask for much more then that.

As well, as has been stated (and trademarked), "There is no shallow end of the sandbox in Darfkall." Geopolitical espionage is in full swing, as well people who have the game are falling into about one or more of three to four buckets. Either there already in a Clan, or they are total shit bag grievers stuck on a chaos stone with no assets and are only looking to farm the masses, or they are truly new to Darkfall and/or just haven't been interested in the whole global or local PvP/Geopolitics.

The problem is going to be, do we accept poaching on other Clans members as an active way to recruit. If not, and only unguilded members are open to solicitation, this leads you down two roads. Either you Spam recruit on a sliding scale of how aggresivly your going to spam and accept, or you find unguilded members in the noob areas and group up with them and befriend them into joining KGB.

Neither of these in my personal recruiting experience are very enjoyable for the recruiter, and usually the latter option only leads to minimal numbers but a higher average quality of player.

Then you have option 2. The out of game recruiting done via You-Tube and various message boards. I will say this though, you long timers have done your job over the years. KGB's reputation as a quality group of people with which to go beyond a single game is pretty high up there on the tote board. When Syloc approached me about returning with him to KGB for Darkfall, I already knew who KGB was and what you were about, without ever being a member. That fact of quality reputation is going to help us in the short term to garner numbers from out of game recruiting. The problem being is how and in which medium are we going to aggressively pursue this method.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!