That dungeon north of Alfar newbie lands has been marked on the map thread listed below that I started. I has the location marked.

As for recall runes etc... get used to running around. It sucks and is probably one of my major beefs with the game. A mount will be nice but then your just a target for people to hunt you down and kill you. No gates listed yet... probably won't be any either. A small raft for some of us later on will help in the water travel.

As for fighting style, get used to thinking like a tank mage from UO days. Add in some archery for when they run away and your golden! Hell even the looting is a lot like UO where you open up the corpse and pull the items from it to your backpack.

Skill based system is awesome and reminds me of UO without the 700 pt cap.

City locations is still probably up in the air but last I heard from Derid/Donk was the North East city of Cairn. One of the last city sites left on that island. If we lose that we'll have to look at other islands then. Might be nice for a fresh start somewhere else... I'm not against it. I h8 the minos.

Overall, the game is worth it... it really is. I enjoy the piss out of this game even when it's buggy and frustrating. This launch is no worse then expected from previous track records of other MMO's. This is how launches work and they will never learn how to do it right.

Leader: KGB Korea
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