Originally Posted By: Lorddarka
need to farm for city as a guild takes 10k we have maybe half now
but need to increase our effort and efficency.

100% agree with efficiancy. Last night was a mess. We had a plan from the get go to get in and do the newb quests and pool money. What did we do? right out of the gate ran in spearate directions. Some good groups and fun but not sticking to the plan. We need to focus. Several things I have noticed.

Organize vent groups - not all hanging in one room unless we are all together. Group one hang out in group one vent, group 2 hang out in group 2 vent. Of course anyone is welcome but according to the vent guidelines we are hardly sticking to them.

Stick to a plan. Yes the mobs were bugged but the first night we immediately deviated from our plan. SO there are a lot of people hunting goblins - we kill them we own the goblin area until we have all got our 4 axes and our 4 kills then we let them back in. Especially now that we all have MUCH better weapons than people in the newb area. Let's plan a time and do this. From there we finish the newb quests and go own the kobald area. One group killing ninja looter and the other group focused on the kobalds and assist when needed on keeping people away.

If we need to designate scouts great but 8 people running in 8 different directions is not what we need right now.

Most likely that bug has been fixed now so hunting on the island is probably out anyways. Lets get back to our original game plan. I plan to be on uninterupted tonight for probably 9-10 hours straight. I plan on being productive tonight.

Originally Posted By: Thomas
last I saw we were having a terible time getting focused on killing the "right" mobs for quick cash and spreading out to different camps to max our gains. We are currently holding out for the North East city on the Cairn Island close to the neutral npc town. If that goes we may very well have to check other islands.

The Sync issues greatly effected our play and made it damn near impossible to pvp/defend yourself let alone kill certain mobs.

Although, we did finally find a few bugged out mob camps that we could hit but only farmed them for a couple hours before server down.

I agree - even though there was a bug last night we should stick together - I was at the orc spawn and everyone else left. Why? because 3 exxile showed up? We had the numbers to remove thwir asses. We can't kill them they are bugged - fair enough then we still could have stayed focused on killing orcs and gathering loot.

Please don't get me wrong - this probably sounds angry, I am not at all I am just simply stating that we need to step it up, get focused and in a week or 4 when we get where we want to THEN everyone can go do their own thing. I for one got fed up of wasting time attempting to hit monsters that weren't there so I went to go gather resources but at that time the server went down. So I am also to blame - I went off to do my own thing but I was fed up with Exxile taking me down to 25% health and no one there to back me up.

I definitely had a different picture in mind as far as release went - IMO AV needs to roll back the servers because it is lame that people can get their 1st cities exploiting bugs - but they probably won't do that.

Thoughts? Is this not accurate?

And before you use the arguments that well we couldn't see eachother and all that - I know this - it was a frustrating mess BUT my point is - I just want to make sure that when this bug is fixed we all get on the same page and all keep the same focus in mind.

Where is my cheers emote? Lets have some beers and have a great night tonight!!!!