
On your second point, I wholeheardly agree that you have to take care of in-house first, but being an isolated outfit is a pitfall many fall into, especially those who have a lot of inner turmoil.

Precisely why you take care of your own first and foremost - to avoid inner turmoil and increase morale.


I'm not saying we should appease every joe-smoe out there, but be cognizant that, like in SB, many wars will be decided in politics rather than gameplay.

Exactly why Iraq hasn't done well - the Wars are being waged by the Politicians and not the Warriors. WWII was led by the Warriors, and we kicked ass. The same for countless of other wars that did not fail. Why follow a model that only results in losing when you can learn from history what actually works?

Ultimately 4TW: When in War - Allow the Warriors to be Proactive. When they've done their job, then the Politicians can be Reactive by sending beer to the allies and bandaids to the more honorable of foes.

The other way around while in war rarely, if ever, works.

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]