You bring up a good point. I know there's a lot about the game we don't know, but, are we going more "Reactive", as you put it, or "Proactive"? I don't have my heart set either way, because I am of the opinion that we won't have any shortage of gankers foaming at the mouth to gank us, but there is a difference between starting out passive and active.

Are we going more conquest? Niche? Will we actively seek to siege cities within our alloted territory?

Then again, since this is the Euro release, it might not be a "decide now" kind of thing. But something to think about.


On your second point, I wholeheardly agree that you have to take care of in-house first, but being an isolated outfit is a pitfall many fall into, especially those who have a lot of inner turmoil.

I'm not saying we should appease every joe-smoe out there, but be cognizant that, like in SB, many wars will be decided in politics rather than gameplay.

Former KGB Member