Wow Jet, Bravo.

There is a lot of passion in that posting. Passion is the mark of a motivated leader. I tip my hat to you.

I have had the pleasure of meeting several members and officers in KGB over the course of the last couple weeks. The experience has been amazing.

Operating an online guild is a time consuming undertaking, and I bow to each of the leaders in KGB; I you and I raise my cup. Y’all make a considerable effort to keep this group going and it shows. From an outsiders perspective I wanted to share what I have seen and heard.

I have camped your vent channels and monitored your guild chat. I have heard people talk about KGB as a team. I have heard them talk about cooperation. I have read your rules and your regulations. I have heard talk of honor and integrity. Well, as you can imagine, I have heard that all before. Believe it or not, I “heard” it in Dread. I have heard it in many other guilds as well.

This is what I have seen and what I have experience in KGB.

• I have logged in on several occasions and typed a greeting in guild chat, and have received several responses….even from players who do not know me from Adam. That simple action is evidence of a community. It is the basic level of respect…it is “the action of giving particular attention.” (Webster’s) It can be discouraging for members to log in and say hello, and get no response. That sends the message that we do not care about your arrival. Believe me, it sucks. In KGB, I have always seen responses to members as they log-in
• A player who had never met or spoken with my wife, took time out of their day and their play time to patiently walk her through the steps to set up vent, so that she may participate in the conversation. That is serious teamwork. It is selfless; it creates interdependency, respect and loyalty. I can tell you, I wish I knew who it was, because they have my undying admiration. It is more evidence that KGB has drawn to its legions, high-quality members.
• I have grouped with many members of KGB for raids, for sieges, for pvp and for fun. I was offered these opportunities even when I was a complete stranger to most. That proved to me that teamwork is not an idle term used by the guild. It was evidence that KGB works together.
• Every day I log in to see which guild mates are on and what zone they are in. I see some leveling, but the 80’s are usually resource grinding or working on pvp mini games to enhance the guild points and practice their skills. (i.e. Common goal, Common purpose, cooperation.)
• I read some guild chat commentary one day between two KGB members. It was conducted with respect, courtesy and maturity. The message for everyone reading was a reminder that KGB does not knowingly use exploits. That is integrity. It gives the rules and regulations meaning, and it defines KGB as a group. I don’t blame you if you fall from your chair, when I tell you that Dread’s rules are the same, “no ganking and no griefing.” Dread is full of hypocrites. KGB is populated by players who truly rise to the occasion of Knighthood.
• Most telling of all…I am a late night player and I was on a vent channel with three established members. They did not know me, but they knew I was there. They encountered a player from OPP, and from what I understand this is KGB’s nemesis guild. In a PVP world, the fight is to be expected. How, when and where the fight is conducted defines the fighters and the organization they represent. These three guys talked about their options in vent. Before them they had a mortal enemy. 3 vs 1 is not an honorable fight. They could and probably should kill him because he was competing for spawn and real estate control is a very real part of war, even in a virtual game. So they decided they could just kill him, they could invite him to group, or they could invite him to group and if he declined, then they could kill him. One course of action there shows the highest level of honorable pvp conduct; Offer him the opportunity to share the spawns, and if he declines execute the pvp mission, kill him, control the spawn and advance. It goes without saying they decided to take the high road. THAT is evidence of the caliber of player populating this guild.

I hope Jet, you and everyone reading this feels me on this. Every organization faces its trials and tribulations, internally and externally. But there are some irrefutable laws of leadership that apply to this equation. The highest leaders or founders in any organization places their flag in the sand and boldly claims, “This is what we are about.” The flag says, “This is what this organization is about.” It is a bold statement regarding vision, and value systems. Some people will be attracted to that vision and will gravitate towards the flag; others will not agree and will depart. That is always ok. Not every organization is for everyone. I do not know the full history of KGB, its founders or its former leaders, but I can tell you this…current leadership has clearly made a statement about who KGB is, and what KGB is about. It is a great statement and it shows throughout the membership. Everyone I have met and played with shares the vision or at least acts upon it.

My wife and I consider ourselves deeply blessed that we have finally found a group of players who walk the talk, instead of just talking the talk.