It has been a couple weeks for folks to try out Discord, so it is time to call the vote.

Do we move to Discord or stick with TeamSpeak for BDO Faction?

Advantages: Allows for flexibility in communication (like TS and Slack combined), cross platform (Web/Phone/Tablet/etc), world boss notifications, group messaging/announcements, used by many BDO players (vs TeamSpeak seems to be "hated"), better sound quality.

Disadvantages: Other KGB members can't see whom is online in BDO, Other KGB can't drop down to chat (as nobody is in TS), requires setup (yet another chat app).

Faction Members ONLY please... vote!


Should we use Discord?
single choice
YES! Discord is my choice! (30%, 3 Votes)
NO! Stick with TeamSpeak (30%, 3 Votes)
Doesn't matter, I am flexible. (40%, 4 Votes)
Total Votes: 10
Voting on this poll ends: 11/30/16 02:00 AM