Originally Posted By: Zhou
Having used both I would say TS3 has the better quality of sound. However, for whatever reason when we made our TS3 server we limited the quality to under half due to bandwidth. Some changes have been made for overall sound quality.

Thanks for the info and support Zhou! We'll definitely check it out and compare the two for changes in quality. The recommendation to evaluate Discord was initially for recruitment and the benefit of the world-boss announcement channels offered on Discord (which is important ONLY for BDO folks mostly).

Originally Posted By: Romeo_Montague
Also having used both, I am a heavy supporter of TS3.
The ArcheAge Faction will remain in TS3, but my AA membership are free to test Discord as they please.

Gotcha - thanks Romeo. Yea, seems like a never-ending struggle of "voice-comm religion wars". Maybe there isn't a "best" at all - they ALL certainly seem to have pluses and minuses. I think overall, it just depends what we need as an organization and the cost/performance/reliability of the application and the bandwidth required.

Who knows - maybe the answer is that there really ISN'T one comm/app that works best, perhaps it is a blending of the two (or more) that is most effective. Much like #slack doesn't provide everything Oracle does (or vice versa), but both of them together are a pretty powerful tool.


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers