Originally Posted By: JetStar
I predict there are multiple economic consequences to this. I have been reading, and this is bad for the UK and the EU.

That's what many are saying, yes. But keep in mind most of those voices also said that bailing out Wall St was good, that invading Iraq was good, etc. Regarding the Wall St bailouts in particular, note how the Fed still has what in any other time would be emergency measures in place just to avert impending crisis. Being overly terrified of the problem in front of their nose, the underlying issues were avoided and now we are even deeper in the hole, praying the chickens come home to roost later rather than sooner.

In short, it's easy to get large segments of the media riled up about fear-mongering over a given angle, regarding pretty much anything. Principled objectivity is in short
supply these days.

Really, it's up to the Brits as to whether it will be good or not in the long term. If they respond to the circumstance by cleaning up their act and being responsive and basically doing
a better job at governance than the EU, it might be very good. They still have their own currency, as well as the Commonwealth. If they make a muck of it, it could turn out poorly.

Self-governance is just that. Now they will have control over their own policies again, and by the same token will have no one to blame but themselves if things go poorly.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)