I find it amazing how the coastal media has managed to spin devolving legislative authority back to sovereign localities as somehow a bad thing, whether in regards to UK leaving the EU
or various components leaving the UK. Centralization of power rarely ends well. Of course it's a mixed bag, like most things it is neither wholly positive or negative. But as we saw with the
EU's treatment of Greece, it is clear the EU apparatus primarily concerns itself with the well-being of northern European banks and multinationals - and the political fortunes of Germany's
ruling party.

Divorces are often painful, but that doesn't make them wrong.

Europe has become increasingly moribund in recent decades - there is a reason no disruptive businesses or startups flourished. It has also seen drastically increasing social tensions and
strains on infrastructure due to unlimited immigration. Brussels does in fact engage in an enormous amount of micromanaging, and procedures to fix flawed regulation scant exist. The EU is a fundamentally statist existence, and the direction western society in general is moving is the wrong one.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)