Originally Posted By: Selenian
One thing I'd like to add from a crafter's perspective. We make your goods for the mats, there will be no freebies given. This isn't to be a dick, but crafting is very gold intensive, most crafters struggle to make ends meet while grinding. In addition, I know with cooking, I've received a few orders for food or soup where they send a bunch of random junk- saying make what you can.

This is a bad habit, that needs nipped in the bud right now. Your crafters are not your personal calculators and what not. This is not to say if, for example, you a pumpkin or a few grain short from making soup- I will spot you as most other crafters will, miscalculations are made. However, if you can't take the time to figure out what mats you need, when recipes are very easy to find, most have even been posted on the oracle, don't expect crafters to take time to figure out the possibilities of what you want made either.

I for one will be returning all orders made in that fashion. This isn't to be a dick, but that's the way it needs to be.

While this is understandable this should have been made clearer.
There is a list of who crafts what and I look at the mats I get and
it says what they are for.
I send them off assuming they will get used and/or make me what I asked for, only to have them sent
back saying they don't need them.
This is why I asked for a list of what people want not just a list
of names and what they craft.

The crafts that have sent stuff back and will not make me items I send
them mats for, I have now started my own grind to get what I want.

Make a list of what you want.