Good Evening,

So, some issues have arisen, as we knew they would, in Archeage. Some, minor I am certain, are around a lack of communication and information for members. DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS AND TELL ME TO TELL THEM TO GRIND QUESTS AND GET THEIR ARMOR AND WEAPON We all already know that part.

We have many members who are now at level 50 and looking for direction, Give it to them please. Come up with a listing of known enemies and wary clans and pass that along. We have members who have been blind sided by LOTD, and when questioned on whether or not they could attack back they were given vague responses which were more concerned with starting a war than with protecting OUR members interests.


Members are asking for things and are being told they cant have them, the crafter does not have time, its "stupid" to want a crafted staff when the in-game item is better for now etc. This is completely unacceptable If you took on a crafting job, sorry, but that makes crafting your primary gig in my opinion and your own exploring and such secondary. If the clan members has the mats, and is prepared to send the materials and such to you, then I am of the mindset that you as the crafter should get them the item within 24 hours or so. No, I am not suggesting you drop everything you are doing that very minute, but I am suggesting that telling members to go grind for it cause the in game item is better than what you can make is unacceptable. Or perhaps they have changed classes and cant get the in-game one anymore. This is something I am facing as I change classes.I have already hit 50 and done Hasla and the other, but now I am considering a huge change from Darkrunner to Daggerspell...plate to cloth, 2 hander to staff. And frankly I can't afford to outfit myself in the Daggerspell gear from AH prices. I have burned to much money and time in farming. My only other alternative of course is to roll up an alt.

Look, we have seen a resurgence of KGB the likes of which we have not seen in only god knows how long, certainly at least since Darkfall One. The game is fresh and fun and new, and has the potential to remain viable for some time, especially with Auroria and castles and such on the horizon, but we need to be 100% prepared for that. That means all crafting MAXXED OUT, all members focused on what the guild needs as much as themselves, and getting it set up. We are going to need hundreds and hundreds of Gilda stars just to make a run at some land grabbage..none of which will happen if we do not also do the "social" bit and hold the whole thing together.

Get your Agenda squared away and communicate it to ALL members. Get your KOS list and intel going, and communicate it to ALL members. Please.

Last, if your a crafter, you should be working hard to max out. I know many have, but we need to focus on the remaining skills and get ALL of them up to speed. That means Luxor needs materials and focus and locked down at a smithy until his crafting is caught up to Donks. Period. No offense Lux, but running around buying a boat is not helping us with end game weapons etc.

I know..wall of text. But come on folks..let's not lose sight of the future. Donk, your a great strategist, but you agreed to lead this ship, alone or by committee, people look to you for the answers. Jet is still to haphazard to help hold this thing together much, so rally your leader team, solidify your message and lock it in. Get your commander's identified and have them start working their teams. Get the groups squared away, roaming together and starting to work on ops together. I know, you have done some of this, but sending out an "all guys need to come now" cant work everytime. A more concerted plan will. People want direction and many of the members want help, especially those who don't own multiple pieces of property and dont have access to resources. As much as yo hate that side of leading, you are either going to have to step up and do it anyway, or get someone on your team who can. Either way, you have members who deserve that much, we have new members who need that much, and we have far to many things to do to lose sight of it now.

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