Originally Posted By: Zhou
Originally Posted By: Vasdef
What's crazy is a 2200+ queue to get onto Ollo

Or that they only added to servers for a F2P launch and didn't raise server limits. All the servers are maxed out, going to turn away business if people have to wait 3 hours to get in.

One of the other dirty things they did was they changed the Queue interface. It no longer shows "Patrons" in one queue and "Free" in a second queue with a susinct statement that Patron's get right of access in the queue first. Now the queue interface just shows you the total number of users in the queue and your wait time so that Free players don't know how far back in the queue they truely are.

Trion didn't think anyone would notice that tiny fact. They already got called out on it. Lastly, adding 2 servers to head start and not raising the server limits in a game where the land acquisition is hugely important for the long term positioning is just smacking of terribads running the show over at Trion.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!