If by working, you mean working hard at bankrupting the whole country then yes.

Type of fraud addressed by getting govt out of the business of micromanaging health care.

Federal level Govt is not competent enough to be trusted with anything that is not absolutely required they be trusted with - like military.

Get the Fed out of the business of screwing things up for all of us, and let still imperfect but more accountable and responsive State and local govts deal with things. The States that are successful at finding solutions that work will grow and attract people and capital and the rest will work to emulate what works.

As the FedGov gains ever more power and spends ever more money, and the quality of life and society in this country continues declining in parallel - I never cease to be amazed at people who argue that the solution is even MORE FedGov power and involvement.

Point of diminishing returns of FedGov involvement was reached decades ago, point of negative returns of FedGov involvement was reached in Clinton era. Everything after Clinton has been all to the worse, and downhill.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)