I know what the alternative looks like... it looks like the internet that currently exists where less than 50$ can rent me a server to stream whatever I want.

It looks like the current internet where I pay $75 or so a month for 30+ real Mbps down and 5 up... where my latency to most game servers is under 40ms.

As opposed to the Net Nuetrality world where online FPS gaming would all but cease to exist because the govt outlawed network prioritization except for lawfully approved uses like medical videoconferencing because it would be "favoritism".

Yeah.. Twitter and co *could* get together anddecide to censor whatever they want. And you know what happens in a free market when a communication provider/web portal/search engine decides to start providing sub-par results? Other people take the invitation to open competing businesses.

The internet has worked precisely because it hasnt been regulated to death. Not that the govt hasnt meddled in some areas.

But in many respects we have already seen what you describe - major media deciding they dont like one political platform or another. So we get sites like The Blaze, Drudge Report, Salon, etc,etc.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)