What do you mean speech neutrality laws?

That sounds pretty damn scary to be honest.

And if you bought into Net Nuetrality- (which was just an underhanded power play for the ultra-large players to use govt as a means to squash their smaller competitors )- then your whole image as a progressive is at stake..

Also... methods of propagating speech have pretty much always been mostly privately owned... in a society where the govt isnt clamping down on speech, the free market does just fine.

Seriously, its within the means of even poor people in the USA to set up a website and stream their own video. Shitty films intended to piss people can be made and aired to your hearts content, even if Big Brother isnt standing over Googles shoulder making them waste bandwidth on it.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)