You are ether don't understand how peak demand works, don't understand how electric car charging works or being intentionally dense.

On the off chance that you really don't understand it, here how it works:

Electric cars generally get charged from 3 types of outlets - Level 1 - 120v ~15A, level 2 -220v 70A, and Level 3- 600v DC 400A+.

Level 1 and 2 are generally available in a household, level 3 requires dedicated line that normally would be available only on industrially-zoned property. If you only charge overnight at level 1 you get about 45miles, or it takes about 13 hours to fully charge. At level 2 you get to something like 60 miles PER HOUR charge rate. At level 3 it takes about 10 minutes to fully charge from empty, since maximum charge rate of the battery becomes a limiting factor.

Most electric cars would come with a home charging station, these are level 2 and they are "smart" chargers, that is you program them to charge your car off-peak.

So even if you drive your electric car completely dry, and even if you drive Tesla Model S with 300 miles range, you have enough time to charge it AT NIGHT since it only takes 4 hours to fully charge.

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