I'm not picking sides here, just calling them all out on what they are. I'm an Iranian American that hates the current regime in Iran. I despie an Islamic Republic which is one that dictates day to day life and laws based on Sharia (Al-Quran based). My dad fought during the revolution to prevent such a regime from taking over and ultimately fled with my mom and myself and gained political asylum here in America.

I love my country America. I still have alot of family that I care about in Iran as well. I despise the current regimes of both (Bush and Ali Khamenei who is the supreme leader of Iran) but there is really nothing I can do about it. I've studied and follow all these conflicts very closely and the conclusion i've come to accept is that no matter what we do, or what they do, nothing will change since conflicts are never ending.

I don't want to get into this too deep so i'll just stop here before I offend anyone....time for me to sleep....one more night of work until my three day weekend >.<