Unions were significant 50 years ago. With the laws we have now there's no reason to be in a union. If you show up at work and produce, more than likely your employer will not have an issue.

I've been in a couple unions, I've made more money than I ever did as a union member. Also, unions are good about showing up to things promoting anarchy, because... FUN FACT FOR YA! What do unions do when they walk off a job and strike? 90% of the time there will be some kind of violence.

The place I worked at when I lived in Missouri went through a strike years before I got there. They had people throwing bricks off an overpass into cars of supervisors and scabs. Great negotiation tactics aye!

When I was 7 my dad was a supervisor at a company that went on strike. I did't get to play outside very much while this was going on, because the UNION thought it would be nice to have people sit in a car watching our house. My mom got phone calls asking how she would like a dead husband. Got to love those unions!