I agree there's been climate change. Everything has a cycle, including earth. The North & South Poles are moving, and some scientists believe it maybe heading to reversal. So to think man is the cause of everything, maybe you should have a look at the poles, and what magnetic fields do.
Forget about global warming—man-made or natural—what drives planetary weather patterns is the climate and what drives the climate is the sun's magnetosphere and its electromagnetic interaction with a planet's own magnetic field. When the field shifts, when it fluctuates, when it goes into flux and begins to become unstable anything can happen. And what normally happens is that all hell breaks loose

2011 has been a wild weather year. Here in Oklahoma we've had the coldest day on record (-30 degree's) the hottest day on record (116 degrees) in the same year. We've had a record snowfall in the states history, along with a record in snowfall within a 48 hour period. From that, to having one of the hottest & dryest summers.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 09/17/11 06:07 PM.