I would give that PD a choice. Temrinate him and make sure he's not able to be hired as a cop in that state period. Or I would sue them into fucking oblivion. It would be so hard to not go off on some dick sucker like that. I cannot stand anyone of authority taking advantage of their position or threatening people. That female lawyer they interviewed was right. Once a cop cannot control their anger, it's time to get them out of that career.

My brother lives in a small town not far from me. A cop pulled him over gave him a ticket for going 3 mph over the speed limit. Then the cop told him to go home. My brother was going to the store, so he went, on the way back home the same cop pulls him over again. He comes up to my brother and tells him... "I thought I told you to go home" so he gives my brother another ticket, and I can't remember what it was for.

What that cop didn't know was his supervisor was someone my brother knew. So the next day my brother goes to the Sheriff and tells him what happened. The Sheriff said he already knew because the other cop that knew my brother had already told him. Needless to say, that cop got fired immediately and the sheriff ripped the tickets that he wreote my brother to shreds. I hope stupid shit like this never happens to me, I would try to keep cool. But damn, it would be hard to NOT punch someone in the face.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 08/01/11 04:34 PM.