Originally Posted By: Pickens Heretic

Really???? You expect us KGB to keep quiet about anything some one post about???

May as well tell all the dogs in the world to stop sniffin asses .

No, I expect the shit talking regarding people still playing to stop. If you don't like it, that's fine. I've played DDO & LOTRO ... but I don't basically harass those playing those games due to my feelings on those games. I've said why I left them & pretty much left it at that.
Every once in a while, I would pick on Grizo about DDO, but I really didn't take it further than that. [/quote]

Who is shit talking?????????

A post was made and people reply.

This is not the DF forums so its open game not to mention public. It would be different if some one jumps into a DF forum and starts shit talking the game.

The game I am currently playing gets trash talked all the time and I could care less.

Last edited by Helemoto; 12/16/10 01:21 PM.