What I don't get is why stay with ND since the vast majority of those guys aren't MC and MC has all but left the game. Doesn't mean he has to come to KGB or TCA, but being a good guy and swimming with a pack of Douche Bags, still makes you dirty.

Staying with them and actively working against KGB is an odd mixture I am sure for the TeamEgo to handle while trying to keep long standing relationships with KGB open.

Bottom line is ND still has a couple active TeamEgo guys who are still in MC out of game, but playing under the ND banner. The remnants of MC left in game are trying to poke us in the eye in DFO, you expect us to just take that eye poking and still hang out and play future games with MC?

I realize this puts you in a really bad position Carl of damned if you do and damned if you don't. I guess the question for me is, what is TeamEgo going to do about its members still playing DFO under the ND banner trying to actively fuck us over in DFO?

I for one won't rest until ND is destroyed. If that means your guys are standing on the other side of the battle field, well then, don't expect to ever be ok with playing on the same side as them in any future game. That's just asking way to much of forget and forgive. I still have outstanding grudges from SB and SWG from people and clans that fucked me over. Once you do me wrong, your the enemy, ergo if those people are in your Clan, well we have a problem then.

I guess the question comes down too which variant wins out. Do you let your guys do as they wish in DFO, and continue to break down relations with KGB, or do you choose to corral those people in DFO who remain in TeamEgo and salvage your relationship with KGB?

On a personal not, Ellis is a goofy dude, but he never did anything against KGB through his direct actions, and I am ok with him. The problem is, he supports ND, and ND is the enemy, so Ellis is my Enemy.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!