
With the variety of MMO's that are finally emerging...

I am less than impressed with the current crop of MMOs with respect to PvP, and those that are over the horizon (Darkfall and DnL) seem to be floundering. Hopefully, when released, they will be what we are looking for...

IN THE MEANTIME, as I have previously noted, UO:Hybrid is crawling with murderin' sons'o'bitches who desperately need to be whacked with cold steel and fried by sizzling bolts of mystical energies. Any KGB warriors who are currently sitting on their asses while their KGB brothers and sisters are rushing to the front to engage the enemy need to assess their priorities.

Every member of the KGB has to find thier own path, but in this case, the King has spoken. The Call to Arms has been sounded, and the King himself will ride forth to join battle. Duty, and the Honor of the KGB demands that where the King leads, I must follow!

Of course, if you find that the lack of vertical movement in the game is not to your liking, your milage may vary

But for me, I stand with the King!

To the everlasting glory of the infantry...

Owain ab Arawn
KGB Supreme Knight
King's High Council