gonna leave this post out of respect, as i can not confirm that i will be available at the time any of this is discussed further. and furthermore this is just my opinion take it for what it is...

but i have to concur with Mor-Lander on this. with weeks left before the transfer now is not the time to further disband would be guild members but rather a time to consolidate those who want to be part of the NA chapter. if i had my way, i would declare NA a closed faction as well and start getting everyone (who claims to be kgb) back together so that we will be strong upon transfer.

The very idea of changing out leadership seems rather apolling, and under analyzed. I came to KGB from COTP. (a guild that stabs each other in the back and uses the buddy system combined with oral copulation, when deciding who they want to promote to what positions.) from the short time i have been involved with KGB, i have been very pleased with leaderships A) availability B) willingness to listen to individual and generalized complaints, and C)ability to address things within the jurisdiction of those hearing them. revamping leadership because you feel you would stand a chance of winning a position is not an acceptably legitimate reason to launch that sort of request...

As for what to do with our time remaining, simply put the most constructive thing i can fathom is simply grinding skills... Those skills will be the only thing we can take with us. I know that its probably not what you want to hear, but i would suggest getting together with Represent (who appears to have taken the front of KGB affiliated assaults and sieges. i am sure he can conjure some work for your idle hands.

Former KGB Member