Oh sure, people can get new jobs- new wal-mart jobs maybe, and those with skill can always do better.

Standard of living is down, and record numbers of people keep living with their families until much, much later in life. That is fact. The past decade has not been a good one for overall economic health, and despite what Hillary Clinton may tell you - the ability to buy cheap shit from Wal-Mart doesnt rectify that.

Our Banking system has just been quasi-nationalized (aka politicized) leading many many more people in business, ergo them and their employees and customers, beholden to the gov't. The days of kissing political ass, lobbying and payoffs just to maintain your operating loans is nigh upon us. If you dont think politicizing banking is a big deal - you should. Over the course of the next 20 years it will do more to stagnate social mobility, entrench the corrupt, and drain vital energy from our economy than probably any other single event/issue.

You seem to be operating in the realm of (if theres no person, at your door , right this second, making you beholden to them - then theres no problem.) While you are correct in saying that if someone is beholden to someone, they need to rectify that.. the way I am taking you as meaning it anyhow... I fail to see its relevance in this conversation. I am talking about national politics, and economics, not the personal problems of random people.

You should be looking at the big picture. Procedural precedent for lack of Habeas Corpus, Lack of Privicy and Civil Rights, among many other issues of the past 8 years... not to mention Cheney and his insitance that the office of the Vice President somehow falls outside any jurisdiction but its own... all these things and so much more have been huge black marks on our liberty and our nation as a whole, and need to be forcefully rejected in the ballot box.

The right to bear arms is extremely important, but it is not the only issue of importance in regards to safeguarding liberty.

Also, not sure how you read my last post, but FYI I was not referring to having a Dem Prez+Congress as a good thing.

The sad thing is, I remember a day when the GOP actually stood for something. I remember being thrilled when Gingrich organized the Contract with America, and the GOP took congress.. with promises to clean house.

Gingrich led the party admirably during the Clinton years, and this did wonders for the country at the time. But after Gingrich's star fell, ands Bushes rose... the Neocons and the dark rot of hubris and corruption set in at record pace.

I am not a Democrat, but after Bush.. the modern GOP needs to go the way of the Whigs. The Neocon GOP of Bush and Cheney, and those who kowtowed to their agendas these past years (McCain) needs to be swept aside and completely discarded.. so that the party can be rebuilt upon true conservative principles, and with a real governing philosophy.

The only way for something like that to happen, are crushing defeats at the polls. Defeats which the GOP has unfortunately, sorely earned.

I do not hope for a Democratic supermajority by any means... but by the same token, if the GOP defeats are not severe enough... the party will all to likely continue in its current form, on its current course.. for 2-4 years longer than it, and we, can afford it to do.