
I like the way in which Roger Ebert rates his movies, for him it's perfectly possible for say, a comedy to earn 5/5 stars, because he rates movies base on their genre, so a 5/5 comedy won't necessarily be as impacting an experience as a 5/5 drama, but it will be an extremely enjoyable, well-made, well thought-out movie.

Based on that, I definitely think Dark Knight was a 5/5 movie (Ebert gave it 4) especially if you look at the fact that it isn't just an action film, it's a super-hero movie. But yeah, it won't go down in history as one of the greatest movies of all time, but it will be no doubt be seen as the pinnacle that future super hero movies strive to top.

When I went to see The Dark Knight, I knew what I was hoping for and it delivered on that hope for me... so I would give it that 9.5/10 or 4.5/5 (I don't really think anything is perfect, if something is perfect why bother with anything else).

However, I didn't leave the theatre and say, "oh my God, I'm going to be telling my kids about this movie twenty years down the road"

I also questioned a couple parts of the movie (I would post them, but this is a spoiler free thread) and they weren't questions of style, but more of poor editing.

I personally put The Dark Knight up there with a movie like The Departed. You look at the setup going in (director, actors, trailers, ect.) and kind of know what to expect... then you aren't let down, and that's a good thing and says a lot because expectations going in are high.

I personally thought movies like Crash and Blood Diamond (I know not everyone liked this one) were better then The Dark Knight, that's just my personal opinion though.