I have a feeling, and knowing that there WILL be a sequel to this latest Batman movie, that the next villain may not be the Joker directly. Instead, I can see the Riddler emerging (or the Scarecrow, if he grows a pair), although there was no foreshadowing to this in the latest movie.

That being said, while watching The Dark Knight, I saw glimpses of a few familiar characters within the Joker, played by Heath Ledger. In the facial makeup, I saw a very twisted version of Edward Scissorhands, but also captured a few moments of seemingly "drunken staggering" by the Joker, among other familiar characters. Yes, that's right - if they decide to bring back The Joker, the only actor I know who could play Heath Ledger's Joker convincingly (other than Ledger), and add even more depth, would be none other than Johny Depp, whether you like him or not. So do not despair, there is hope that we will see the greatest nemesis to Batman return, though probably not in the third installment.

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