Greetings Knights, A moment to introduce myself, I am Port Wickwire, one of 3 GMs of The Shadow Legion.

TSL was established in 1998 on the Pacific Shard in Ultima Online by myself along with Dryden, We've added another GM a while ago, by the name of Iconn Rennoc.

With the introductions out of the way, I'd like to say first and foremost, Jetstar.. Seriously?

We have no alliance. Jetstar approached Mythra of TSL a week or so ago asking about an alliance between the two guilds, nothing has been agreed upon. I'd like to reiterate, You approached us.

We are a PVP guild in a PVP game on a PVP server. We kill people, that's what we do. We live by the sword, and die by the sword. That's why we're here. That's the drive that gets us to that next level.

TSL allied with KGB in past games, this is true. At the time it was a benefit for both guilds. KGB has always claimed to be the "Honorable guild" TSL has never made such a claim, nor will we - That's not who we are. We may have honor, Some of my members more than others... But 'Good guys' is not who we are. With that said, I'm sure all you readers out there understand that not only are Mablungs actions NOT embarrassing to us, From the story we heard, where Jetstar attacked him after the rez killing, and Mablung handed the old man his arse, Jet then called in 2 more KGB, to attack Mablung, only to be cut down by our deadly Ranger as well.

As I see it, this can go a few ways,

Jetstar can retract his statements as over reacting and propaganda, and we can all let it go.


Jetstar or other officer could again contact Mythra, regarding some sort of agreement between us, after Jets retraction.


We (TSL) can simply carry on as we are now. Killing whomever we please.

It saddens me a little to see that you (Jetstar) have targeted us (TSL) as the object of your propaganda machine. I thought this was KGB, not OPP. You also need to think on this Jet, How long will you be around? Your track record for hanging around in past games hasn't been the greatest. Should things turn ugly between KGB and TSL will you be there to lead your troops? Or will the remaining officers in your guild be left with the mess you leave them? - Just food for thought, it's fairly early in the game to go poking sticks into anthills.

Jetstar, you or one of you officers can feel free to contact me via the TSL forum if you wish to further discuss this.

Port Wickwire
TSL Triad
The Shadow Legion