Eya fellas, old friends and most tenacious opponents, glad to see Jetstar and the KGB doing well.

Shoot me a tell on Ollo, I'm just learning the game and trying to figure out if I'm going to stick with it. I would love to play with those I have shared history with.

I don't know if FL still plays but I haven't been part of FL since Dracus died. Du-Sith and I ran a few rounds in Darkfall but we don't keep in touch anymore either. I haven't spoken to Cinder in years.

Is Archeage turning out to be anything like UO? I feel the summers of 97/98 were the best times gaming has had to offer, and it wouldn't have been exciting without KGB involved. We were rotten kids with bigoted tyrannical ideas, but UO provided a safe environment for catharsis of our sickness. That wouldn't have happened without KGB either.

I hope something comes along that re-creates that 97/98 UO environment, the industry seems to be moving that way with the term "Survival MMO" becoming a buzzword.

Anyway, I'm lvl 18 or 19 and need to get back to lvling. Salute.

--The difference between Communism and Fascism is predicated on whether one hates one's self or "the "other."