Originally Posted By: Vuldan
I hate you all. Just saying.

Don't worry Vuldy, the hate flows freely from both sides...

Originally Posted By: Donk
1: Leveling build
2: Dungeon build
3: PvP build
A: Group build
B: Mass build

The thing we don't know now is if you can essentially "hot swap" between Archetypes (3 Skill Classes/Archtype) when it comes time for launch. Currently in the Alpha you can pay a Silver price coin sink to change your classes and Archtype at a shrine. Secondly, you can currently change your points applied to each class in your archetype at will as long as you are out of combat in the Alpha and we don't know what that will be like come live launch.

This drives the standing question of do I need 4 separate toons on a single account or will be given flexibility to have a Paul Moadeeb. The current mechanic is that you can have 4 toons on one server, and a total of 6 toons per account.

Currently it is cheaper (weekly Tax wise) to run four toons on one account through to level 10ish and then land grab with the first small farm in a place close to the specialty venders (Gilda/Honor/Craft Mat/Stations), where you think by the time you run 3 other toons through you can plop down all 4 small fields. Then switch back to your "Primary" toon and do the second field upgrade (large field) quest and trade set and get them as many "Gilda Star" as quickly as you can and drop a "house". At this time the thatched roof house is the optimum tax min/max for housing. Then it would actually behoove you to do the same on all three other toons for the large field.

Welcome to the first 20-30 hours of play time at Live Launch. Land management early game with placement and access is key to reducing your stress factor into the mid-game. That is if everything stays mostly as is come live launch.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!