You do realize that you're advocating making breathing a regulated behavior right?

Originally Posted By: TurkeyJ
I don't know what .007% is referring to.

From Jet's link, 390parts/million up from 320parts/million. So, (390-320)/1,000,000 = .00007
.00007*100 = .007%

Originally Posted By: TurkeyJ
If any boob can make a chart that accuratly predicted the tempreture increase in the last 15 years, I'll eat my hat.
And I'll eat mine if any of the climate experts can do the same. Not a single one of the THOUSANDS of them have been even close to accurate, and you'd think throwing that many darts at the wall you'd eventually get lucky. These are the same people who said we'd run out of oil, gold, aluminum, zinc, etc. by the end of the 1990's and that the population growth would cause world wide famine by the early 80's.

Now, am I naive enough to think that the climate doesn't change? Of course not, but I also don't think the extent of man's contribution, if any, can currently be quantified. Until it can, scientifically not politically, I'll stick to my belief that the vast majority of the warming done on this planet is due to changes in that great big nuclear reactor in the sky.

Derid is exactly right about the politicization of this issue. The desire to appease the talking heads drives the results.

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