Originally Posted By: Kaotic
Neglecting the fact that you're comparing ice core samples to actual atmospheric measurements (which is apples and oranges) that's a great bit whopping change of, drum roll please....

.007% OMG

Any boob with Excel can make a hockey stick looking chart as long as you get to make up a 'y' axis...

What about Arkh's 500 million year graph, showing 3 or 4 different models that all indicate a drastic decline over the last 100 million or so? Does his mean less than yours?

Water absorbes CO2. That's what makes fizzy drinks work. Also, the ice cores have the same atmospheric concentrations as ambiantly sampled air. A nifty thing about the CO2 in the ice cores is that CO2 from combustion is a different isotope than naturally oocuring CO2. Predictablly, the increase in the CO2 is of the combustive variety. I don't know what .007% is referring to.

If any boob can make a chart that accuratly predicted the tempreture increase in the last 15 years, I'll eat my hat.

An excerpt of the caption for Arkh graph: " Towards the left-hand side of the graph the sun gradually approaches modern levels of solar output, while vegetation spreads, removing large amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere. The last 200 million years includes periods of extreme warmth, and sea levels so high that 200 metre-deep shallow seas formed on continental land masses"

Originally Posted By: Arkh

I heard those did too: http://www.therightclimatestuff.com/

Of course the secrets of planetary science will be locked away in a Geocities website. I did do due diligence, however. Most of the articles are either presentations to, or cite heavily things like "Heartland Conference on Climate Change." I tend to prefer my science of the peer-reviewed variety.

Originally Posted By: Brutal

Worth pointing out that exactly none of those categories even add up to 100%, and one even adds up to 101%.

Significant figures and no comment interviewees.

I can kinda see the "debate" on evolution: God said we were made from dirt, not monkeys. I really don't understand why climate change denial is such an article of faith.