I applaud you using correlation =/= causation. You'll find this principal to be very effective in combating silly conspiracy theories. But in this particular case, causation has been proven many times over. CO2 has been proven to cause warming in the theoretical, historical, experimental, and, most recently, the observational. There's no denying we create an enormous amount of CO2. This is not contingent on previously debunk theories. Further, researchers are so far removed from policy ( I should know) that there's little incentive for them to push nebulous conclusions.

Developing countries care more about global warming because natural disasters are more likely to be catastrophic there. China is second only to Germany in green energy research.

First, accepting global warming does not necessitate "green" energy policy - see freakonomics. Secondly, if we know carbon emissions create a known quantity of economic damage - we have decent models now - we can sub-divide by tonnage and figure the true cost of carbon energy to society. We does this to many pollutants already. I don't understand why a pollutant that effects the health and livihood of everyone would be excempt from this.