"I didnt realize that the US president decided who the Egyptian president was. Thanks for the info. "

Sarcasm will get you nowhere. Especially against other masters of Sarcasm :D

If you think we have zero involvement in foreign governments and who gets to play the "in charge" guy / gal during any given time period, then you're deluded. We may not advertise it on the front page of CNN, but I assure you, we meddle in everything :D

Then again, the same thing can be said of foreign governments regarding the US as well. The more foreign countries purchase / buy US corporations, the more say so they have ( in the form of lobbying types ) in the makeup of our own laws and elected officials.

We like to install folks who play friendly with US interests. Once they cease being useful, we simply remove them and install another.

This doesn't work with all countries, of course, since some of them understand the game we play pretty well. But for the little guys who are still have ambitions of becoming a world power, it's pretty much the daily routine.