Originally Posted By: TurkeyJ
For better or worse, the US supports democracy. I do too.

Honestly, if you believe this you should take a closer look at our foreign policy. There is plenty of well written material on this topic originating from all domestic political persuasions.

We do of course support 'democracy' when convenient and expedient.

Originally Posted By: Kaotic
Democracy is merely mob rule.

Yep. It is not by accident that the elites and media in this country constantly refer to "democracy" in public discourse, especially in reference to ourselves and values. They are all obviously educated enough to know the difference. But there is nothing more fickle that the mob, and pure democracies with simple majority rule are the easiest political construct to corrupt. All it takes is a media campaign - whether it is terrorism, financial collapse, school massacres... to convince the mob that giving up 4th/5th amendment rights, handing trillions to corrupt cronies, giving up 2nd amendment rights... etc...

The mob is by definition irrational, a little scare, a little fear.. people will hand over their rights and absolve the powerful of accountability. You would think that noone would ever, ever trust a politician or talking head that spoke in terms of "democracy", or called us one.

Originally Posted By: Kaotic
I guess the other option is that the largest part of Egyptians really do want to wipe Israel off the map and do it with our weapons.

In regards to Israel, I think the deal was that the Egyptian military would stay in our pocket. The new regime could do what it wanted domestically, but the military still has the ability to veto foreign policy.

On that topic though, I think we spent far too much time worrying about Israel when we have such drastic problems at home. We are currently having a hard time protecting our own rights.

Also, we let our cultural hate of anyone wearing a turban to cloud our vision. Our blanket support of the Israeli govt has allowed them to get away with acting like cads.

Any red blooded American that was suddenly by some magic transformed into a Palestinian and forced to live under the occupation conditions would be grabbing their rifle as well.

Of course this does not excuse the behavior of some Arab groups. George Washington never once ordered the taking of British children hostage or ordered the bombings of schools or ordered the beheading of civilians to instil fear. They are all fucked up over there, and we would be better to not involve ourselves at all.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)