There's no such thing as a pure democracy in the world today. It's completely unfeasible. Egypt is a representative democracy just as the US is. Of course, they will have growing pains just as any newly instituted democracy has had.

We can gripe about a country ran by uneducated religous zealots; but remember, that's what Europe says about us. I still say it's simply moral for the people to have a choice, instead of a president for life/single party government.

While I don't know the details of the political turmoil in Egypt, from a cursory glance it appears that the current administration hasn't committed to any policy ideaology wholesale. For instance, after an unfortunate stance against Isreal, they backed off because of international pressure. It seems like their still trying to triangulate between Shia, International and (secular) administrative interests; all the while testing the limits of their power.

Insert quotes about democracy being messy and being merely the best of bad alternatives.