When you go from a very modest background and at 20-22 you are all the sudden flush with cash it isn't hard to believe that people make all the wrong decisions and end up blowing it all.

This is one of the reasons that the NBA put the moratorium on drafting from HS. Well, that and Stern wanted to protect the owners against massive collective bargaining risk in guaranteed salary for players that went absolutely bust in their first contract.

Dumas also benifited heavily from having Marlje, Paxson, and the Big Brown Mound of Rebound (AKA: Sir Charles Barkley) surrounding him and all three of them would dish to him on the double team. He also was part of the Curse of Jordan. It's kind of like Highlander, and there can be only one. A lot of careers were cut short or ruined by Stern putting the Bulls and Jordan over in order to save the NBA. That is partially why the Bulls and Jordan won all those games. When the rules don't apply to you and you can hand check, push people down, palm the ball and get what they refer to now as the Bron 4th Step, it isn't hard to see why they won all those titles.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!