Originally Posted By: Tasorin
No he wasn't joking. The Russian hard liners are still hell bent on playing crazy Ivan tactics with the rest of the world as if they are a Super Power. Quite frankly the US has the Ace in the Hole to put the entire world on notice.

All the US has to do is say by Presidential Decree: "All US based shipments of food supplies have had an imbargo placed on them for the next 30 days. As of this day forward, the US will no longer continue to support the world with food suppliers."

Game - Set - Match

To add as a foot note. this is not something new Wolfgang. Presidential elections have been run like this since before I was alive, and will continue to run like this long after I am gone. Don't blame the incumbent for playing the Potemic two step like he is the guy that invented the damn thing.

Oh wait, that is right, you refuse to be un-biased and continue to keep the FAUX News blinders on and happily go about your way as if the GOP actually means "you" when they speak. I wasn't aware you were clocking $250k plus a year as a welder, maybe I need to go back to being a welder instead of a college educated new age business samurai.

WOW really? You mean other Presidents have never made bold moves during their re-election year? Boy you sure had me there. I wouldn't have ever known otherwise! facepalm

Thank you Tas for setting me straight, You are far wiser with real world Involvement in politics. All of us could take lessons from someone so wise as you.
