Originally Posted By: JetStar
Originally Posted By: Kaotic

AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You've got to be kidding! Chris Matthews is literally a screaming leftist(opportunist) who used to be a conservative and only changed his stance to further his career.

Remember the difference. It is VERY clear. Chris Matthews is not a news anchor, he is a pundit. Just like a Hanity, Beck, etc. Fox News anchors were told what terms to use when reporting the NEWS, not opinion based punditry.

There is a CLEAR difference. MSNBC news is a arm of NBC news which I respect.

WOW... Then again why am I surprised, You like Keith Olbermann. He's so left he doesn't know how to make right hand turns. He was just as horrible when he was on ESPN. The only other guys horrible at sports reporting or calling games is Dan Deirdorf (dumbdorf) & Randy Cross.