Originally Posted By: JetStar
Fox is the only agency that has been caught red handed with a stated political agenda in the NEWS department. In my opinion, they are the worst example of this bias.

I would agree that noone is truly neutral though, I just think it is the level.

AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You've got to be kidding! Chris Matthews is literally a screaming leftist(opportunist) who used to be a conservative and only changed his stance to further his career.

Let's not forget Dan Rather's completely made up lies about George Bush's military service. (the HuffPo still thinks quoting those stories count as irrefutable fact)

And then there's this guy:

AND you got that piece from MediaMatters, bought and paid for by George Soros to be Hillary's hit squad. Holy hopping Jesus, if you're gonna try to claim one news organization is biased perhaps you should do it with articles from a news organization that isn't straight out of left field.

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