And you wonder why companies aren't spending... because they don't know from one day to the next when they will be hit with taxes!

The payment method the White House announced Monday would consist of:

—$405 billion from limiting the itemized deductions for charitable contributions and other deductions that can be taken by individuals making over $200,000 a year and families making over $250,000;

—$41 billion from closing loopholes for oil and gas companies;

—$18 billion from requiring fund managers to pay higher taxes on certain income;

—$3 billion from changing the tax treatment of corporate jets.

Obama is deadset on taxing those millonaires and billionaires, you know the ones that make $200,000 - $250,000 a year. And I love that wording in tax fund managers "Certain Income" lol we so need a new tax system, they just keep feeding the beast!
And to think Obama said his Jobs bill was already paid you can't make this shit up if you tried.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 09/12/11 07:39 PM.