Originally Posted By: Hakaryu_Lionheart
As an ex-cop I agree with what the officers did, you get burnt ONCE giving someone the benefit of the doubt and the they go psycho on you and you go back to what they teach in the academy.

Use the MAXIMUM JUSTIFIABLE FORCE to stop the situation, use it ONCE.


I have a friend that's in the ATF now. Before that he took a job with the Kansas City police force. He was shot in the foot from a ricochet after getting shot at 9 times. This was just within his 6 months of being on the force. Once he was released to fulltime duty. New years eve he was in downtown KC. A guy was getting a little rowdy, so he asked him to either calm down or leave. The guy lunged and swung at my buddy. He jumped back pulled his weapon on the guy and told him to get down on the ground. The guy wouldn't budge, since the guy wasn't taking directions he couldn't shoot him. All this while his partner was making his way through the crowd to him. My friend holstered his gun, and when he did the guy lunged again. This time he pulled a knife and my buddy was able to grab his hand with the knife. They were on the ground fighting and luckily his partner got to them. Because the guy was trying for my friends gun. After more struggling, they were able to finally cuff him.

My buddy said they guy was well dressed and looked to be in his early 20's. He thought the guy was just someone from college that had a few to many. Come to find out this guy had a previous record, mainly with drugs. He also had some kind of weapons charge on him. Anyway, this guy was baked out of his mind on LSD. He gave the guy a benefit of the doubt. He said he learned a very valuable lesson that could have cost him his life. Never let your guard down, because you simply do not know who you're messing with.