I have a very weird coincidence to share, which doesn't fully encompass this discussion but here goes.

After high school some pals and i were kicking around and looking for things to do, i mentioned starting up a role playing campaign and they agreed, so i went to work. I've always been told that for not being college educated i am one smart cookie, and i believe this is because i see things from a off kilter perspective, i am also a information sponge, and have always dabbled in things most people see no value in. So in the summer of 91 i sat down to hand craft my own game setting and game mechanics, taking much inspiration from cult fiction, comics, movies and the like, however every campaign i build even to this day i like to add a element of believe-ability to it and i generally look for things that could really be possible. That year i introduced Cybertech, which admittedly was a cyberpunk rip, but my story was vastly different. In cybertech man had reached his pinnacle and the golden age of space travel had just begun, when the planet mars the god of war broke free from the gravitational pull of the sun and became a rogue planet due to human intetaction, it had a near miss with earth fractured the moon, and caused global catastrophe plunging mankind into a dark age.

I have always been partial to science of any kind, and drawing connections from the past with the present, but i am also a skeptic and a realist by heart even when it mimics a idea of my own, while science has proven the exsistance of rogue bodies and celestial phenomenon and our sun can hide these objects i think our millions of dollars worth of scientific instruments in space would have seen this sooner instead of some guy standing on a beach, besides optical illusions are very typical for the inexperienced observer

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
[Linked Image from i.redd.it]