My Dad went through an operation, Chemo, and then an experimental chemical regiment in order to battle Stage IV cancer that started as Colon cancer, then metastasized into his lung. He finally had an operation last year to remove the cancer mass from his lung, and the experimental chemical treatment has stopped the growth of his tumor in his Colon.

I can't even begin to explain how hard it is to watch someone you love, wither away and suffer while they are fighting for their life. We watched as my Dad battled through two heart attacks, a double by-pass, a pacemaker, chemo, and then the cancer operation in which he was technically clinically dead multiple times as they tried to save him during the operation.

He was given a less then 10% chance to live beyond a year from his diagnosis from when they found that the cancer had metastasized to his lung. Its been 2 1/2 years now, and he is still fighting.

Hands down, and with no hesitation, the Dr. who has been my Dad's physician has said time and time again, if he could bottle the healing power of family during the most trying of times he would be a Billionaire.

Your going to have to put your red cape on for this one Kobald, because it sounds like your wife is going to need every ounce of super powers you can give her in support.

I will light two candles this Thursday at St. Thomas for you. One for your wife, and one for you. Your both going to need it.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!