Originally Posted By: Tasorin
In my lifetime there is going to be a class war. Its not going to be about color of skin, country of origin, or religious preference.

Its going to be about the bottom of our populous feeling entitled to the best our systems has to offer while doing next to or absolutely nothing to add any value to the pot providing these services.

Tell me why some uneducated, unemployed, and unwilling to be employed, piece of human waste, should have a quality of life on par with those of us who go to work every day, pay our taxes, and play by the rules?

I won't even qualify being here illegal in this discussion. Personally, we should adopt some of our South American counterparts policy on illegals. They just shoot them, or put them in Gvmt. Work Camps.

There's a huge flaw to that theory: Those motherfucking sloths would be too lazy to do what it takes to prepare for, and tactically fight a war. It would be one giant, idiotic mob, easily anihilated by a half-ass military force.

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